In order to develop a translingual classroom and writing program ecology, we must begin with scholarship and asking how translingualism will serve TCU writing students and instructors. This section introduces writing instructors to the fundamentals of translingual theory and pedagogy.

Translingual Overview

The Translingual Overview is an infographic that provides context, definitions, critiques, and best practices for a translingual classroom and writing program.

Why a Translingual Approach?

This page answers the question, why a translingual approach to language difference is useful at TCU? Based on survey results from TCU writing instructors, I consider how a translingual approach will respond to the needs of both instructors and students.

Translingual Scholarship

Building on the Translingual Overview, this page helps deepen your understanding of translingual scholarship by identifying essential articles, books, and scholars within rhetoric and composition as well as a working bibliography. Translingual scholarship also transcends rhet/compĀ and this page includes major publications from applied linguistics, ESL, and comparative literature.

Ready for a translingual classroom?