What is a translingual approach to composition?

If you are new to a translingual approach to language and writing instruction, this section helps introduce major concepts, scholars, and articles/books as well as contextualizes translingual scholarship in TCU's writing program.

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How can you create a translingual classroom?

Creating a translingual classroom ecology is about an orientation toward language difference, more than the individual components of a course. However, you can get started by incorporating assignments, readings, activities, and textbooks.

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Who are our partners at TCU?

Writing instructors do not have to and should no go it alone when working with translingual students at TCU. I interviewed representatives from cultural and academic support systems across campus to understand how we can build on and contribute to their work.

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Do you want to translanguage your own institution?


My name is Whitney Lew James and I created this website as a Ph.D. student in Dr. Carrie Leverenz's writing program administration course. This site, which aims to introduce TCU instructors to translingual pedagogy, brings together my scholarly interests in translanguaging, academic discourse, new media, and composition pedagogy. In the future, I hope to add more voices, perspectives, and reflections on translanguaging TCU. For more about the impetus for this project, see my pecha kucha.
